Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 6

I found chapter 6 to be a very interesting chapter. An concept that I found most fascinating was right in the beginning. On page 155 the concept of impression management which is when a person projects a certain image. Strategic self presentation is when you are consciously making an attempt to control certain behaviors to make a certain impression on your audience. In my interpersonal life this is something that I do often. I have found that in certain situations I present myself differently. I would say that I use strategic self presentation more often because I am aware that I am making a change in my behavior. For example when I am around adults or teachers I will present myself a lot differently then when I am around my friends. When I am around adults and teachers I will present myself as more mature but when I am with my friends I will just be myself whether that in mature or not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Carmen
I agree with you that the concept of impression management is interesting in Chapter 6, and I understand how you feel because I sometimes behave differently in front of different people too. I believe that the reason we behave differently is because we want to impress someone or present different sides of ourselves. For example, I may be more serious and polite in front of professors because I want my professors to think that I am a smart and diligent student. I am more likely to be relaxed in front of my close friends because my goal isn’t to impress them. Therefore, we behave differently in front of different people to achieve different goals.

- Ruby