Thursday, June 19, 2008

Chapter 8 Embarrassment

Embarrassment is a common emotional reaction to a social predicament. (p.230) It is very possible for people who are prone to embarrassment to avoid embarrassment. This is something that has happened to everyone at least once in their life. This relates to my interpersonal life because I would have to say that I am someone who gets embarrassed very easily. I probably get embarrassed by myself at least a few times a week. Its also common for me to get embarrassed when my parents say certain things or my sister acts in a certain way. It was interesting to find out that people who are prone to embarrassment can avoid embarrassment, that is something that I will think about the next time I feel embarrassed, to try and avoid the situation. Since I seem to get embarrassed really easily I have found that the less I think about the incident the better I am.


kcee said...

I would say that I am also a type of person who gets embarrassed easily. I can think of countless times where my parents have embarrassed me and I know it shouldn't bother me but it does and I am wondering what people are thinking.
I agree though the best way to avoid emarrassment is to not focus on the situation. Sometimes I find myself stressing over something that happended to me that was embarrassing and I make it a bigger deal then it was. You just have to brush it off and laugh at yourself and move on.

Rabbit Tail said...

I have been embarrassed so many different ways in my life. I would blush, be horrified with myself, and try to use escape avoidance because I just want to disappear. As you mentioned, embarrassment is a common emotional reaction, and there are tactics that can be used to avoid embarrassment, which I look forward to learning more about. I like the coping methods provided on page 233. Humor seems to work for me...